Combining market research, data, rapid prototyping, customer-centric design, and resource partners, we create products that put a smile on the customers face

Our Team


Fedor Adarichev, COO + Electronics

Fedors methodical and disciplined approach to life bleeds into operations and keeps Maximal goal oriented. His depth of skills in PCB design, manufacturing, and goal management allow him to efficiently execute any engineering challenge. Graduate of UIUC Electrical Engineering program.


Henry Africano, CEO + 3D Components

Henry is passionate and hyper curious about product development and his background in manufacturing helps Maximal navigate process based product development. His systems thinking approach to engineering allows him to navigate multi-faceted challenges with ease. Graduate of UIUC Mechanical Engineering program.


Zeeshan Faizal, CPO + Software

Zeeshan is a product research machine. His calm approach to product development allows him to make rational assessments of market trends and integrate those insights into the development process. He also possesses a wide gamut of software skills ranging from embedded systems to AI modelling. Graduate of UIUC Psychology/Computer Science Program.

Our Values



We stand on the shoulders of giants. This means staying humble and learning from other entrepreneurs’ experiences.


Risk is inherent in trust. We understand that we must match our customers’ risk in order to have their trust.


The wise man knows himself to be a fool. Asking questions is the fundamental skill behind our engineering specifications.



Our long term goal is to maximize the sustainability of our planet. We take the time to think about out how your process fits in - big picture.


We have an insatiable drive to continuously improve our people, product, and process.


We place a strong emphasis on finding the best path to your solution with the human at the center of the design.